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PE and Sport Premium

The Government provides this funding to schools every year to improve the provision of PE and sport. The aim is to have a measurable impact on children’s:

  • access to sport
  • attitudes towards sport 
  • general health and well-being

PE and Sports premium funding 2023 - 24

The table below sets out how we are spending this money. 

Activity or resource Cost
Lunchtime Sports Provision £770
Equipment for PE homework bag £3690.95
Swimming Coaches £371
Improving the Sensory Garden £2046
Football pitch hire £25.13

See below to learn more about how we are using this funding:
PE and Sports premium 2023-24 report

How we spent the funding in 2019-20 

Activity or resource Cost
Employing a sports coach £4,192
High-quality, movable football goals for school field £859
Fit For Sport MDSA training £1,000 (approx. to carry forward)
Introduction of ‘Sports Crew’ at lunchtimes – providing children with t-shirts/ bibs as they assist in running activities. £200Resources £1,490
Ninja rope lines and storage £2,309
Skip2BFit skipping ropes for use post-lockdown/ for socially distanced physical activity. £1,200
Release time for PE Lead and year group teachers to plan together. 10 x half days cover (20 x £100 = £2000) 8 half days carried forward (£800)
After school clubs run by sports coaches. Netball and girls football clubs. £2,000
E3 Adventure Day £1,200
Albion in the community Premier League Primary Stars – including girls’ lunchtime football club and PP after school multi sports club. £395
Jolf – Golf Experience Day for year 4 £699 - £250 deposit paid. To reschedule
Skip2Bfit whole-school enrichment day plus follow-up kit bag. £660
Additional enrichment days to be chosen by staff in September (Dance/ freestyle football/ hula hooping/ fitness day/ week) £2,000

The effect of the funding on pupils’ sport participation and attainment

More pupils meeting their daily physical activity goal, more pupils encouraged to take part in PE and Sport Activities.

More pupils meeting their daily physical activity goal, more pupils encouraged to take part in PE and Sport Activities outside of school. Increase parent/carer interest/participation with physical activity.

More pupils meeting their daily physical activity goal, more pupils encouraged to take part in PE and Sport Activities.

More pupils meeting their daily physical activity goal, more pupils encouraged to take part in PE and Sport Activities.

Ensuring our children with additional needs are keeping active and engaged with a sport/physical activity focus


Year 6 achievements in the water

  • 44% can swim confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres 
  • 30% can use a range of strokes effectively 
  • 48% can perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.

How we’ll make sure improvements are sustainable

We will replace equipment as it breaks. We will use pupil voice to ask children what they would like to help keep them active. We will continue with clubs but target less active children. Use pupil voice to find out what clubs children would like and be more likely to attend. We will have a full residential next year, funded by parents. We have an Adventure Day planned for the Autumn term.